July 2023 Update!

Due to the multi-year construction project on 494 and the popularity of my Chaska location, I have decided to close my Bloomington office after Friday, June 23rd. Read Moving Details

  Dr. Marcia Intuitive Chiropractic Care  

Dr. Marcia Intuitive Chiropractic Care

Now located in Chaska, MN
Home Meet Dr. Marcia Your First Visit Schedule Appointment What is Chiropractic? Testimonials Dr. Marcia Says

  Dr. Marcia Says

  The following is an excerpt from the article “Chiropractic Care, Who Knew?” that Dr. Marcia wrote for Obesity Action Coalition magazine:
"Chiropractic Care, Who Knew?"
Chiropractic care can help you regain balance so that you can continue with your movement of choice, at whatever size, and have less pain throughout your weight-loss.

I had just had a visit with a female patient who had gastric bypass surgery six months ago. She and I celebrated today. Not only had she lost 67 pounds, but based on her body mass index of 34, she is no longer considered morbidly obese. As her chiropractor, I have been there to support the physical changes of her body and advocate for her healthier lifestyle.

With weight-loss, her center of gravity has changed. The demands on her lower back, hips, knees, ankles and feet have changed. I adjusted her spine and joints before her surgery and continue to do so. My goal is to keep her body in balance.

I am a chiropractor who specializes in the treatment of overweight and obese children and adults. I grew up struggling with weight issues and know what it's like to go to a medical doctor's office and be reminded that I'm overweight. I am married to a large man and have children who also struggle with their weight. I understand the pressure to "fit in" and have experienced the frustration of someone telling me "if you could only lose some weight, you'd be fine." In reality, losing weight is only part of the answer. It's the unexpected changes you experience while trying to get healthier that few talk about...

Read the rest of the article



Dr. Marcia believes:
  • Chiropractic care is preventative care. Get checked and adjusted before health problems arise
  • Chiropractic care addresses HEALTH, not sickness
  • Health comes from inside the body
  • A healthy spine = a healthy body

Home Meet Dr. Marcia Your First Visit Schedule Appointment What is Chiropractic? Testimonials Dr. Marcia Says

Dr. Marcia Intuitive Chiropractic Care    MAKruegerDC@comcast.net    612-816-2066

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